COFOG stands for Classification of the Functions of Government Abbreviation is mostly used in categories: Government Classification Statistics Economics Expenditure Rating: 2


Euro area 19 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2015 - Social benefits other than social transfers in kind and social transfers in kind - purchased market production - Debit (Uses) - Non-consolidated, Current prices - Percentage of total expenditure of General Government, Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted - COFOG

Statistikmyndigheten SCB - Statistiska centralbyrån. Publik. årlig. Offentliga myndigheters konsumtionsutgifter (ENS2010) efter ändamål COFOG. År 1993 - 2018. Välj variabel; Om tabellen.


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conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to COFOG is based on several international classifications, but “based on” does not mean that there is a one-to-one correspondence between classes in COFOG and related classifications. The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) is a A COFOG felépítése egy korábbi osztályozáson alapul, nevezetesen az 1980-ban megjelent kormányzati kiadások funkcionális osztályozásán. 15/2019. (XII. 7.) PM rendelet a kormányzati funkciók és államháztartási szakágazatok osztályozási rendjéről. Az államháztartásról szóló 2011. évi CXCV.

I serviceklassifikationen beaktas dessutom de offentligrättsliga samfundens befintliga tjänsteklassifikation COFOG (se JHS 186), kommunstatistikens krav och 

Uppdaterad:  Staten är sedan 2006 indelad i olika verksamhetsinriktingar också kallad Cofog-inriktning (Classification of the functions of government). COFOG.


A COFOG felépítése egy korábbi osztályozáson alapul, nevezetesen az 1980-ban megjelent kormányzati kiadások funkcionális osztályozásán.


COFOG Accountability System. MACC Plan Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) - Global Inventory of Statistical Standards Discuss (0) Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) COFOG (Classification of the Functions of Government) is an internationally used classification standard for a structure of states expenditures (state budgets) with regard to their purpose (function). COFOG was developed by the OECD. Government expenditures by function (COFOG) Government expenditures serve a wide range of purposes, such as providing health care, education and justice services to the population, and maintaining public order and safety. expenditures by coFoG I level functions (including levels of government) and detailed data by selected coFoG II level priority functions (apart from the indicator on expenditures in social protection and health) are available online in annex F (2.32 to 2.40). Figure notes Data are not available for canada, mexico, new Zealand and turkey.

Statistikmyndigheten SCB - Statistiska centralbyrån. Publik. årlig. Offentliga myndigheters konsumtionsutgifter (ENS2010) efter ändamål COFOG. År 1993 - 2018. Välj variabel; Om tabellen.


Contact organisation unit: Non-financial National and Regional Accounts.

CO MCI Plan. COFOG Evacuation Plan.
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This manual has been developed and agreed by the Task Force on COFOG in response to an increasing interest in high quality, comparable statistics on 

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COFOG Response Plans/Documents. MA Response Plan. CO MCI Plan. COFOG Evacuation Plan. FEMA Resource Typing. Conflag Resource Typing. DC911 Radio Terminology. CO Radio Frequency List. OSFMO Mobilazation Frequencies. COFOG Interface Frequency Plan. COFOG Standard Frequency Guide. COFOG Standard Terminology. COFOG Accountability System. MACC Plan

A first draft of the revised classification was presented at the joint UNECE-OECD-Eurostat Meeting of National Accounts Experts in Geneva in May 1996. This dataset provides a comprehensive view of the functions, or socioeconomic objectives, that government aims to achieve through various kinds of expenditure, comprising detailed classifications of general public service, defense, public order and safety, economic affairs, environment protection, housing and community services, health, recreation, culture and religion, education, and social and indicate whether COFOG . expenditure (i.e., the net acquisition of nonfinancial assets). The GEAQ is aligned with the methodological framework of the IMF Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 GFSM 2014) for compiling expenditure data using the Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG).

COFOG (Classification of the Functions of Government) international COFOG is one of the four classifications of expenditure according to purpose (functional.

0,0. 0,0. 0,0. 0,0. Tabell 3. Den offentliga sektorns utgifter enligt uppgift, % av BNP. COFOG- klass.

7.) PM rendelet a kormányzati funkciók és államháztartási szakágazatok osztályozási rendjéről. Az államháztartásról szóló 2011. évi CXCV. törvény 109.